With Xicom, A Well-Maintained Online Reviews Management is No More a Herculean Task

Internet has become omnipresent in the recent times offering more freedom to people to express their voice or opinion across different medias. With people getting more empowered, this is the era of customer engagement. Many companies would think that they can without it; however, such approach really needs a second thought. Organizations without any online presence or having a bad reputation over the internet can lose customers and potential business.

The regular-interactions of clients over the internet drive the social presence of any organization. In case someone tweets, shares, or posts something that can malign the goodwill of a particular company, one must proactively respond in a relevant tone to minimize the dent on his company’s reputation.

Xicom Technologies Ltd., a leading software and web development ISO 9001:2008 certified CMMI Level-3 organization has introduced Online Reputation Management solutions to help organizations successfully address maligned reputation grievances.

This offering is just an extension of its services including online marketing, SEO and link building solutions in addition to the core areas of business. After carrying out an in-depth research and analysis on the online market dynamics, Xicom proposed its Online Management Reputation solutions that will analyze all aspects of your website and negative word of mouth around the virtual grapevine. The entire process involves vigilant monitoring, campaign drives to seize negative criticism, reputation building on social media, optimized SEO, Content Management and proactive customer service.

Over the years, Xicom has resolved distinct cases of improving bad reputation or brand scams through alerts, monitoring, and profile building whilst pushing down the negative listings.

Xicom Technologies Ltd Make Forays into Online Reputation Management

Xicom Technologies Ltd., the revolutionary CMMI Level-3 organization with more than 10 years of experience in the domain of mobile application and wed solution development has extended its business activities to an altogether new domain. In alignment with its commitment to serve online business community and harness online marketing scenario, Xicom recently launched its revolutionary “Reputation Management System”.

Online Reputation Management stands for monitoring the reputation a brand and addressing the content that maligns any individual's or business's reputation in order to erode the shareholder’s value. This is a new concept on the block with internet being devoid of any censorship provisions. Anyone can openly praise or criticize any individual or organization over the internet which can potentially harm the reputation and business of any organization. Many competitors also indulge in unethical malpractices to post false comments in order to erode the goodwill of his/her competitor.  Such criticizing content can’t be removed but yes, it can be suppressed or buried to nullify its potential repercussions.

Xicom’s Online Reputation Management system can be of instrumental help in counterfeiting the elements who try to malign a brand's name on the search engine's results. This system is based on organic search engine optimization, social media optimization and search engine marketing techniques to help organizations transform their online reputation. Positive information, posts, images, updates and anything that strengthens a brand’s reputation are regularly posted to push the site to top rankings. Criticism and foul mouth of word is addressed with relevant and satisfactory explanation based on the competencies and capabilities of the organization.